While some recyclable materials lose quality or purity when recycled, glass, however, is one such material that can be recycled endlessly without any degradation. This characteristic of glass makes it a desirable recyclable because utilizing recycled glass in production is much cheaper than using raw materials. The catch is that recycled glass often comes with contaminants that make it difficult to reuse for container or other glass production.
Recycled glass can be substituted for roughly 95% of raw materials, even though glass is produced from readily available resources like sand, soda ash, limestone and “cullet”. One of the biggest benefits of recycled glass is that over one ton of natural resources can be saved for every ton of glass that is recycled and reused. One of the most important aspects of recycling glass is keeping colors separate. There are several types of glass that can be recycled and they are based on their color.
- Flint (Clear)- more than 60% of container glass that is produced is clear
- Amber (Brown)- coloring in the glass cannot be removed, so brown glass can only be used to make brown glass. This glass is used to protect from sunlight.
- Emerald (Green)- same as brown glass.
Consolidated Resources, Inc. can make it simple for your business to recycle all glass waste that may be produced. To ensure safe and accurate storage, Consolidated Resources, Inc. can provide custom recycling containers to make it easy for collecting your business’s glass waste. From flexible, convenient pick up scheduling to the best market prices for your materials.