Consolidated Resources, Inc. has been serving the city of Prescott’s commercial and industrial recycling needs for nearly three decades. We proudly provide customized solutions to fit your business’s unique needs. We are locally owned and operated to provide exceptional service and customer satisfaction. Let Consolidated Resources, Inc. solve your business’s recycling needs.
Business Recycling Programs in Prescott
Prescott provides a wonderful residential recycling program, but when it comes to the needs of businesses, many do not know where to turn. From glass to scrap nickel, Consolidated Resources, Inc. knows the recycling industry and will make your business’s recycling needs a priority. Running a business requires delegation and now is the time to let us handle your business’s recycling.
Recyclable Aluminum in Prescott
Aluminum facts– Did you know that every three months Americans throw away enough aluminum in landfills to build the entire commercial fleet of American planes? Aluminum isn’t the only under-recycled material, both the residential and commercial recycling rates can all be improved upon, and Consolidated Resources, Inc. can help your business contribute.
Manageable Business Recycling Plans
We believe that a large barrier to the recycling hassle is finding the time to do it. Well, Consolidated Resources, Inc. takes all the hassle out of recycling, regardless of your requirements. We provide convenient scheduling, precise material measurement, and timely, accurate invoicing reports. Let Consolidated Resources help your business do its part for the environment while getting the highest return possible.
Are you a Newcomer to Prescott?
If you are new to the area we would like to extend a warm welcome. Here are a few suggestions of our favorite places in town to explore:
- Phippen Museum
- Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
- Watson Lake Park
- Glassford Summit Trail
- Sharlot Hall Museum
- Fort Whipple
- Prescott Junction
- Prescott Station
- Farm Provisions
- Raven Cafe
- Lone Spur Cafe
- Palace Restaurant & Saloon
- El Gato Azul
- Rosa’s Pizzeria